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Tourmalinated Quartz Wand

Tourmalinated Quartz Wand

These high quality Tourmalinated Quartz will be chosen for you intuitively. You will receive one of the items in the photo.


Tourmaline Quartz

Purifying, Protection, Grounding, Harmonizing


Tourmalinated Quartz features needle thin spears of Black Tourmaline embedded in Clear Quartz. Tourmalinated Quartz is known to strengthen the body's energy field against external forces. It can help deflect harmful environmental influences, both practical and spiritually. Its liberating power against negative energy can be used to help one come to terms with the strength needed to address negative situations. Bringing all of the chakras into alignment, Tourmalinated Quartz strengthens the aura to protect from external stressors and psychic attacks. Dissolving emotional blockages and tension caused by an overactive mind, it heightens your awareness to bring clarity to your thoughts and intentions.



Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, Crown 



Absorbs and emits energy, Transforms negative energy 



S- 1.75in X 1.75in

M- Between 2-2.5in X 1.25In

L- 3in X 1.25in


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